21 filmer som måste ses i höst!

Rolling Stone har gjort en lista över 21 filmer att se i höst. Breaking Dawn - Part 1 har tagit sig med på listan,men också en film som Anna Kendrick (jessica) är med i.
The Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn.

Opening: November 18th

OK, anyone who reads my reviews knows that I don't care much for the castrated film versions of Stephenie Meyer's vampire bestsellers. But I have hopes for Breaking Dawn, Part 1 and even Part 2 because both are directed by Bill Condon, who's the real deal (see Gods and MonstersKinsey andDreamgirls). If anyone can put life into the marriage and long-awaited sex betweem the human Bella (Kristen Stewart) and the bloodsucking Edward (Rob Pattinson), it's Condon. Twi-hards, I'm with you this time.


Se hela listan här.



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