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Anne Rice pratar om Twilight
Q. It seems the vampire myth is built around intolerance.
A. I never thought of it that way. I always thought of the vampire as being a metaphor for the outsider in each of us, the criminal, the predator. I was writing about a mythical being that represented our own dark sides.
Q. Some of your vampires are sympathetic.
A. People are complex. We all exploit other people, but we yearn for goodness. In presenting Lestat or Louis or Armand, I was presenting the killer with a heart of gold.
Q. It has a sexual component, obviously, but also a spiritual one. It’s like they’re intertwined.
A. Part of the mystery of being a human being is that mixture of the spiritual and the animalian. We have the capacity to murder, but also the capacity to love and respond and be tender to those you need.
Q. It is complicated, which is why I have such mixed feelings about “Twilight.” It’s so sanitized.
A. It’s based on a really silly premise: that immortals would go to high school. It’s a failure of imagination, but at the same time, that silly premise has provided Stephenie Meyer with huge success. It’s almost like a stroke of genius to put vampires in high school. They just graduate over and over again.
Q. I hated high school.
A. Doesn’t everyone? The idea that if you are immortal you would go to high school instead of Katmandu or Paris or Venice, it’s the vampire dumbed down for kids. But it’s worked. It’s successful. It makes kids really happy.
Q. It seems those books are sanitized whereas in the rest of pop culture, you’ll see very young girls dressed in an overtly sexual manner. The vampires are wholesome compared with the rest of what’s out there.
A. I don’t think vampires are very wholesome. They’re fantasy characters, and we have to keep reminding ourselves of this. They don’t exist. I get e-mails from people who are outraged that I watch “True Blood.” They say, “How can you condone the evil of ‘True Blood.’” I say, “Are you kidding? Vampires aren’t real. Keep that in mind.”
Q. For Inside Jersey magazine, I wrote about people in this area who do blood rituals.
A. That’s horrifying because you can get very sick.
Q. I know of people going to Europe to have all their teeth pulled out and replaced with fangs.
A. In 40 years of my career, I have met precious few of those people. At signings over the years, I’ve met people who love the books as fantasy and they enjoy goth clothes and lace and antique jewelry. I’ve never had anyone approach me who said they drink human blood. Some people take literature much too literally.
Q. What first drew you to vampires as mythical creatures as opposed to witches?
A. I stumbled upon it. I thought it would be fun to write a story in which a vampire told you what it was like. That grew into “Interview with a Vampire.” I was quite amazed that I could talk about everything that mattered to me in that novel. Many fantasy writers say that when they discovered fantasy, they could write about their reality, what their emotions are, the questions that interest them. It doesn’t mean we believe in the fantasy.
Q. Was there a correlation between this book and the tumult that was going on during the ’70s, just in terms of the politics of the era?
A. All I remember is being out of the step. The people around me were writing about their daily lives, and I wasn’t able to do that. I became a fantasy writer at great risk. To write fantasy was considered sabotage. I don’t remember responding to the politics. I’m really postmodern, someone who goes back to forms and ideas and principles that existed before modernity.
Vampires vs. zombies
Q. Approaching mythical beings, have you written any zombie-related stories? There are these twin mythologies.
A. It has not been something that interested me. I am really interested in articulate beings that can talk about it, whether they’re witches, vampires or mummies, I’m always interested in that because it’s a story coming from the outsider. It’s a story coming from the monster.
Q. There’s a new zombie show on AMC about the apocalypse. It seems there’s some parallel between these zombie stories and religious beliefs, the sense that the end is near.
A. There’s a deep link between the zombie and the way human beings see their enemies and sometimes the way they see other people. Christians really do believe that the majority of people go to hell and they believe that human depravity is total. A zombie is a perfect image of the way to see the sinful person. They see them as zombies. Those of us who aren’t religious see the religious people as zombies. We all feel we’re in a world of zombies. If you go back to “Night of the Living Dead,” life feels like that sometimes. You’re surrounded by people that just want to eat you.
Q. I was curious about the nuance of a vampire feeding on blood and these mindless zombies feeding on flesh.
A. The vampire is an articulate character in our literature. In the last 30 years or so, the vampire has been an articulate, charming, beguiling complex person so he’s miles away from a zombie.
Q. It’s like the polar opposite.
A. The vampire is the poet and the writer of the monster world. The zombies are the exact opposite.
Q. They’re definitely not sexy.
A. They’re not sexy, they don’t listen to good music and they don’t wear good clothes.
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