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Twilight på Kanal 5

Twilight Time Capsule!
Det har nu öppnat en ny sida för Twilight fans som heter TwilightTimeCapsule! Där kan fans ladda upp bilder och minnen från Twilight, lägga upp videos och komentera andras foton och mycket mera!
Nedan ser ni en introduktions video med Nikki Reed om hur sidan fungerar!
" The Twilight Time Capsule is a new, official community where fans can commemorate and share content with each other, and relive any moment in Twilight Saga film history. Fans can upload their own photos, videos and comments, which will reside next to all of the official trailers, posters and other content from the entire Twilight Saga series of films.
Users can see what other fans have created and shared throughout the years, comment on their photos and videos, and send them to friends. Content can be discovered and viewed by a variety of filters, including by film, date, character, type or category. Anyone can participate by recording a webcam or by uploading directly from a computer through any one of the top social platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Photobucket, Flickr & Instagram. "
'Bloodlight' Fransk parodi på 'Twilight': Poster
Moviefone's Sexiest Vampires In Movies
7. Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) in Twilight
Probably the biggest teen heartthrob in the world these days (sorry, Bieber), do we really need to explain Pattinson's appeal? (Just Google some 'Twilight' fan fiction if you want.)
Kolla hela listan här!
Hotellet View Point Inn har brunnit ner
Har riktigt dåliga nyheter att berätta, inte nog med att de rev ner Forks High School, utan nu har även hotellet View Point Inn där bal scenen med Edward och Bella i Twilight brunnit ner!
Än så länge vet man inte vad som orsakade branden, men man letar fortfarande efter ett svar.
Ni kan läsa artikeln här!
via - källa
Grattis Edward Cullen

Bieber väljer Twilight över Harry Potter
Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog
Sorry för att de blev så många små videos i olika inlägg!
Vampire Diaries stjärnan Nina Dobrev pratar om Twilight
Twilight & Twilighters
Igår så var 'Twilight & Twilighters' en TT (Trendic Tropic, vad folk pratar mest om just nu) på Twitter!
Den klättrade snabbt upp på en god andra plats. Det var flera kändisar och sina fans som fanns på TT:n under dagen,
t ex Justin & Beliebers, Katy Perry & Plastic bags!
Kul va? :D
På tv ikväll..
Ikväll (6/5) visas Twilight på SVT1 klockan 21:00!
Twilight i Serieberättelse Vol.2
Än så länge vet jag inget relase datum för Vol.2, men jag hittade just omslaget på Vol.2 (+ettan tillsammans):
-Lollo (=
Josh från MTV twittrar om Twilight
Verkar som nån Twilight-överraskning kommer hända! Förra gången hade MTV fixat en intervju med Rob, vad händer denna gång? Nått nytt om BD kanske? :D
Alla Twi-filmer i en gif

Gamla bilder på Robert från Twilight
//Lollo <3
Catherine Hardwicke pratar om Kristen & Rob

"I looked at a couple pictures and was like, 'I'm not sure,'?" Hardwicke says. "He had been fired from his last job, he was unemployed, he was in debt."
Pattinson flew to Los Angeles on his own dime to read with Stewart. "I have footage of their first meeting at my dining-room table," Hardwicke says.
"Kristen was like, 'It's got to be Rob!' She felt connected to him from the first moment. That electricity, or love at first sight, or whatever it is." Hardwicke gave him the part, but he had to make a promise. "You've got to realize that Kristen is 17 years old," she told him. "She's underage. You've got to focus, dude, or you're going to be arrested. I made him swear on a stack of Bibles."
Despite Twilight's $400 million global success, Hardwicke left the franchise when it came to the sequel. She said it was her decision, despite a blog report that she was fired.
"I couldn't even be fired, that's what's so funny," she says. "In my contract, I had the first right of refusal." She turned down the second film, she says, because the studio wanted to rush it out. "I do not regret it at all, thank the Lord," she says. "The truth is I liked the first book the best."
There is something of the vampire in Hardwicke herself. Just as Edward will never grew old, Hardwicke refuses to abandon the mischievous joys of youth. There's nothing formal about the way she does business. She frequently invites her protégés over to audition or rehearse.
Her home is "right on the beach," says Shiloh Fernandez, who plays the hunky Peter in Red Riding Hood. "It's like a loft for a young surfer guy." It’s not Grandma's house. But there is a bed. And she lures young actors onto it, though not in the traditional casting-couch way. When Hardwicke auditioned Evan Rachel Wood for Thirteen, she had her get into her bed with Nikki Reed. That's also where Pattinson kissed Stewart for the first time in his Twilight screen test. "That bed made Pattinson who he is right now," says Reed. Asked about her lair, Hardwicke laughs. "MTV came and did an episode in my house filming the bed. It's legendary," she says, flashing a wide—dare we say wolfish—grin.
Twilight på TV i Finland

Top 10 mest ikoniska filmkyssarna
#10 Twilight
Även de mest hängivna medlemmarna i Team Jacob kan inte förneka den romantiska styrkan i Bella och Edwards första kyss. Kristen Stewart - som i princip inte säger ett ord om sitt förhållande med sin co-star Robert Pattinson - sa faktiskt "Jag får chansen att kyssa Edward Cullen," när hon efterfrågades att nämna några av hennes favoritsaker med sin roll som Bella Swan.
©Översatt av Lina
Screen Junkies Top 5 Romantic Vampire Movies
Twilight kom på en andra plats!
2) "Twilight" High school tjejen Bella flyttar till staden Forks för att bo med sin far. I skolan berättadad det till henne om fem fosterbarn som antogs av Dr Cullen, och efter att ha träffat dem är hon starkt dragen till Edward. Den romantiska vampyrfilmen följer kärlekshistorien mellan mänskliga Bella och vampyren Edward. Av någon anledning är det så att ingen i staden märker at Cullens är vampyrer, men när Bella anländer till Forks listar hon ut det direkt. "Twilight" var en storsäljar sensation och är baserad på romanen med samma namn. Det finns två andra "Twilight" etapper hittills, som också är stora romantiska vampyr filmer.
©Översatt av Lina
Se hela Screen Junkies lista över top 5 romantiska vampyr filmer här!