Ny twipic på Jackson & hans lilla son Monroe

So cute!
Jackson twittrar ny bild
Jackson via twitter: Tackar fansen för deras stöd
Jackson Rathbone ska bli pappa!
Jackson har hoppat av från bandet 100 Monkeys
Igår fick man veta att Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper) och Jerad Anderson (en annan band-medlem) hoppar av bandet 100 Monkeys. Exakt varför vet jag inte.

Detta twittrade Jackson igår:

Jackson med sin personliga tränare
Jackson på 'Gone' premiären
Jackson twittrar
Jackson på 2012 Writers Guild West Coast Awards
Jackson på WOWee One
Nya porträtt på Jakson Rathbone
Nya bilder på Jackson med en liten Amelia
Nya foton på Jackson i Paris
Scans från Flaunt Magazine
Jackson Rathbone på premiären av 'The Grey'
100 frågor med " 100monkeys"
Jackson Rathbone
1. What do you eat while you’re in tour?
Anything except truck stop sandwiches… fool me once…
2. Where are some of the awkward places you have slept?
Slept under a desk my entire senior year of High School. Truth. Ask Ben.
3. How do you entertain yourself while travelling between cities?
Playing guitar with my friends.
4. What’s the score?
The Score is the last feature film Marlon Brando was in before he passed away.
5. When do you do your laundry?
When I start smelling like a goat.
10. Did video kill the radio star?
Yes, and radio killed the Vaudeville star.

1. What do you eat while you’re in tour?
Anything except truck stop sandwiches… fool me once…
2. Where are some of the awkward places you have slept?
Slept under a desk my entire senior year of High School. Truth. Ask Ben.
3. How do you entertain yourself while travelling between cities?
Playing guitar with my friends.
4. What’s the score?
The Score is the last feature film Marlon Brando was in before he passed away.
5. When do you do your laundry?
When I start smelling like a goat.
10. Did video kill the radio star?
Yes, and radio killed the Vaudeville star.
se alla 100 frågor här!