Jackson pratar om Kristen i Breaking dawn

Jackson Rathbone, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson

Breaking Dawn spoilers!

But that doesn't mean he's dreading getting back to work on Breaking Dawn, thanks to Kristen Stewart:
"I can't wait, it's always a reunion" Jackson told us about gearing up for back-to-back filming of the next two movies, even though he said he had "no clue" when production starts except sometime this fall.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing Bella's transformation, that's one of the things that has been building up for a while," Rathbone dished, all cute all scruffy.

"I'm excited to see how Kristen Stewart really works with that. That's going to be fun, she's an incredible actress and, I know this is a pun, but she's chomping at the bit in order to play that transition."

And we know fans are chomping at the bit for that feathers-flying Robsten sex scene.
"I think it's going to have to be PG-13, I don't know how they're going to keep it PG. [Screenwriter] Melissa Rosenberg herself has told us there is going to be sex in this movie. I can't wait. It's in the books and I mean they're married, they gotta consummate that relationship," J.R. laughed.

//Lina källa


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