Intervju och outtakes med Kellan Lutz
Just Jared har intervjuat Kellan i samband med årets Comic Con,nedan kan ni läsa en del av intervjun och se den nya photoshooten!
Just Jared: Talk to us about concluding the Twilight films now that you filmed the last 2 movies…
Kellan Lutz: I look back, and you know, I was working as an actor, it was really cool, I was very fortunate. I had just finished up Generation Kill which took me seven months in Africa and a very epic project to work with for HBO and then I got on the ride of Twilight and that took off and it’s like Superman, the ride at Six Flags, where you just shoot and you have no idea what’s going on and it just continuously gets higher and higher and more enjoyable.
JJ: Coming from the HBO projects, I’m sure you had many ideas for your career, not knowing Twilight would become what it was, did you almost turn down the role?
KL: Yeah, I didn’t want to do it. I spent so much time filming in Africa, seven months, and that’s a long time to be away from your family and dogs. My agent wanted me to read for Edward and I read the script and thought that character was too depressing for me right now, I want to do something where I smile. I wanted to take a break from acting and I said that, I turned it down, I turned down the audition a couple of times. Ryan, my agent at the time really knew it was going to be a special project so he told me to read the role of Emmett, and I read it, it was only about four lines, but he was the big brother, the comedic relief and I fell in love with him. I said “Sure, I would love to play this type of role”. I auditioned, and long story short, here I am finishing the saga and Emmett is going to be in my heart forever.
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JJ: You guys really filmed these films so quickly.
KL: It did go fast! I was thinking about that. Four years to do five movies is great. The movies have been nice, this last one was seven months because we shot two which was kind of tough, but it has been a fun ride.
JJ: Have you had any crazy fan encounters?
KL: I love the conventions that take me around the world, especially to the small cities and the small towns. To date, the most extreme one was the fan that brought handcuffs and wanted to handcuff me and bring me home. I was joking with her and said ‘Just lock me up and take me home’ and she yanks out some handcuffs and security had to step in. Now it is just amazing, I feel like the fans have matured with the books and the movies. It is still very extreme, but I feel like they are closer to us and that we are more human versus these characters. Now it is just fun hanging out with the fans. It is really fun to just meet them, if we are in the same location, just to hang out and talk over lunch, get a drink together, every one is really cool. I’m very fortunate to have such loving fans.
JJ: You have Immortals coming out, it looks amazing!
KL: I’m really excited for that. That is a dream come true. To work with Tarsem Singh who didThe Fall and The Cell, two of my favorite movies.
JJ: It has a really cool cast!
KL: Amazing cast! John Hurt, Luke Evans, Freida Pinto, Mickey Rourke, Henry Cavill. For me that was a step up and a giant leap up. To play Poseidon! I love Greek mythology, I’m a Pisces - I love the ocean. So many cards just fell into place on that one.
JJ: We’re sure you have a lot of fun projects coming your way with the successes you have had. Especially with the body that works for those types of roles…
KL: Surprisingly (laughs) a lot of Chippendale movies…no, I’m joking.
JJ: The real life of a Chippendale (laughs)…
KL: Confessions of a Chippendale! (laughs)
JJ: What’s on your bucket list as an actor?
KL: A boxing role, a fighting one.
JJ: Are you seeing scripts that are in those genres?
KL: Yeah, the one that Tom Hardy just did (Warrior) I read that script and fell in love with it. I would love to do He-man, he was a childhood favorite.
JJ: It’s time for that to get revamped.
KL: Yeah! I would love to play a superhero, Marvel or DC anything like that.
JJ: Are you waiting for the right project to be the main character of a film like that?
KL: Yeah I am, I would have loved to do Captain America. I think Chris Evans was an amazing choice for it, and I can’t wait to see the movie. I would love to be someone that I grew up loving.
JJ: Let’s put some ideas out there for the studios to give you a call…
KL: (laughs) Flash, Aquaman, Jonny Quest I loved. You know, I would love to play a Ninja Turtle or something like that, Michelangelo.
JJ: That’s a lot of ideas…
KL: Hey! I’m down, I have a lot of roles I can play.
JJ: You have several movies that have come out or are still coming out this year - your schedule must be jam packed!
KL: You know what, it’s nice to be working. It’s just so weird being a movie actor because you shoot something and some stuff, especially independent films don’t come out for a year or two after. I ask myself what I did in 2010, and then everything comes out in 2011. It’s really kind of weird because time flies.
JJ: Who would you like to work with in the future?
KL: Robert Redford, big time. I just think he’s a stud.
JJ: We could see you doing something with Scorsese.
KL: Scorsese would be amazing! I’d love to do something with Leo [DiCaprio] and him. I’ve also wanted to play like a brother role to Matt Damon or Leo or something along those lines. I think it would be really fun and trivial. Bruce Willis would also be fun, I would love to be a part of theDie Hard movies.
JJ: You have so many ideas!
KL: Well I’ve been thinking a lot. I make these goals and I put them out there.
JJ: You just did a romantic comedy, what was that like?
KL: I did Love, Wedding, Marriage and that was a very fun experience. It is something that I’ve always wanted to do and I am happy to have done it. I would do it again! It was fun.
JJ: How do you find time to maintain your body at its top shape?
KL: It’s tough! Especially when gyms close. Doing the Twilight movies I was in makeup and contacts and you can’t sweat or you have to go back into the chair, so when I’m working it’s all about not eating everything at catering and I try and cut back on candy and stay hydrated. I love to swim, but I got into running and I love to jump rope - you can do that inside.
JJ: Guilty pleasures?
KL: Candy for sure! Now it’s just one of those things that its I just have to not have a candy drawer in my room. I have Halloween candy from back in my Arizona days from back in 2003.
JJ: That’s some vintage stuff…
KL: (laughs) Yeah, thank god it doesn’t go bad. My fireball is, like, green now, the color dye disappears but it’s still spicy.
JJ: What is your paradise?
KL: I recently moved towards the beach and I just love being there. I don’t know why it took me so long, but now I go running on the beach every day and it’s beautiful.
JJ: Paparazzi gold…
KL: They aren’t usually there! When I lived in the Valley they would stick outside my house; now I moved and I am never home so they can’t find where I live. So it’s kind of nice.
JJ: What are the best and worst things that have come along with fame?
KL: The best is being able to travel but also lending a voice for the charities that I am a part of. I think that a lot of organizations like the Boys and Girls Club and the Saint Bernard Project, and Peta, I’m a big animal advocate and kid advocate. It is nice to let alone donate funds, a lot of the times they are a great organization, they just don’t have a voice. I like to spread awareness, that’s why I created twitter. I love the diligence of the fans to be a part of it. On the opposite side, the bad part is that I can’t really go to Vegas anymore and flirt with girls in the pools like I used to love doing.
JJ: We’re sure less people ask you out now that you’re constantly working and might seem unapproachable because of what you do…
KL: Yeah, you know what, people have alternative motives. Thank god I still have my good friends that I still have from before everything took off. Dating is kind of tough, right now I’m busy, I’m single. I’m just a normal guy, I’m always looking. Now I know what I want.