Teen Choice Awards 2011
Ni har väl inte glömt bort att rösta inför årets TCA (sista dagenför att rösta är idag, den 5.8)?
Vilka kommer då att närvara under galan?
Kristen kommer inte att vara där eftersom hon håller på med inspelningen av Snow White and the Huntsman.
Men annars så ska Rob, Taylor, Ashley, Nikki och Kellan närvara!
I Sverige kommer galan sändas natten mellan den 7-8 augusti vid kl. 02:00
Entligt KristenS brukar man hitta bra livestreams på Robstenation!
Bilderna är ifrån TCA 2009 och 2010!
"Twilight at Teen Choice: Which star won't be there?
If we had our choice, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner would all be at this weekend's Teen Choice Awards. However, that won't be happening...
Pattinson and Lautner are expected to be on hand when the surfboards are handed out, a Summit rep tells me.
Stewart, like last year, has to skip the festivities. But she has good reason. She's in the middle of filming Snow White and the Huntsman.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse tops the list of contenders this year with a total of 12 nominations. Stewart and Pattinson each won four last year for their work in New Moon. Pattinson and Lautner are both up for Choice Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/Fantasy as well as for Choice Movie Liplock for their big-screen smooches with Stewart.
The two-hour show will air live on Fox on Sunday at 8 p.m."
Skrivet av: Amanda
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