Author Meg Cabot är Team Charlie


The author Meg Cabot's answer when asked if she's Team Edward or Team Jacob.

I don’t like it when people play favorites. Why can’t we appreciate one another’s unique differences without having to say one person’s unique differences make him or her better than another person’s? This is why reality shows like American Idol upset me so much that I can’t watch them.

I have stuck by that motto . . . except for one person whose unique qualities were so obviously superior to everyone else’s, I had no choice but to declare him my BFF and then marry him. That quality is:

He makes me sandwiches. And they are very very good.

It wasn’t until the sandwich making scene in the kitchen in Eclipse that I realized one person’s unique differences were vastly superior to everyone else’s in the story.

I don’t see why it’s even a contest. He offers to make people sandwiches. No one else in this series does that. Plus, he’s a cop. AND he has a badass mustache. How could you NOT be:



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