Rensemee's snabba utveckling

Renesmee kommer utvecklas snabbt, och här i inlägget står det lite mer om hur.
Jon Bruno -som gjort avatar- kommer iaf fixa special effekterna till BD.

Lite om hur de kommer göra med Mackenzie och Renesmee:

Happy Tuesday everyone We now have more info about the CGI techniques that are going to be used in Breaking Dawn to rapidly age Mackenzie’s character Renesmee. The CGI team is going to use a mixture of ‘Motion Capture’ and ‘Live Action’ Photography by fitting Mackenzie with an individually made skull cap fitted with a tiny camera positioned in front of her face. Like Avatar, the information collected about her facial expressions and eyes is then transmitted to computers.

As reported back in October Mackenzie’s face will then be digitally transferred onto the face and body of a younger child to create the illusion of her character’s rapid ageing. Besides the performance capture data which will be transferred directly to the computers, numerous reference cameras will give the digital artists multiple angles of each performance. All live action and motion capture footage will then be composited on screen.


Om denna flicka -Eliza Faria- har det gått ett rykte om att hon skulle få spela en lite yngre Renesmee. Jag hittade detta på: Det stod såhär:

"Five years old, Eliza Faria, began her acting career when she landet her first role in a Lysol Disinfectant commercial at the age of two. Her subsequent TV commercial work includes Cisco The Human Network and Hasbro Scatterpillar. Read more about little Eliza here

Interesting! We are not exactly sure what they’ll be using her for as Mackenzie Foy is officially cast as Renesmee.
We are thinking she must be the “body” they are using, and then Mackenzie’s head as CGI?"

~ Det låter också som om de ska använda flera mindre skådespelerskor för att få Renesmee att växa så snabbt som hon gör i boken. Men ändå använda sig av speciella effekter...
Men jag tror att det kan bli bra iaf :)

Jag har också hittat den här flickan som kanske kommer få vara en av alla Renesmee:
Rachel St. Gelais
- tror jag att hon heter.

//Lollo <3


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