Intervju med Booboo & Fivel Stewart

FQ: Hey how you doing?
Booboo S: Hey how are you?
FQ: I'd like to ask you first what gave you the inspiration to come up with the title, "Change" for the album?
BoobooS: There's a lot of things that contribute to change and everyone can take a different meaning to it, everyone has some things they need to change. Just changes are good you know.
FQ: In terms of that album of all the songs on the album is there any particular one you feel has the most meaning to you?
Booboo S: The title song "Change" probably because that's all about changes you know what I mean. The last song on our album could be our favorite, you just never know.
FQ: Do you have any musical inspirations?
Fivel S: My musical role model is Katy Perry. I love the way she performs and the music is just really really good.
FQ: Was there a mentor or someone who got you started in the music industry?
Booboo S: It's kind of weird how it happened. We got into the industry because our dad, he had an album and we thought it was cool so we wanted to do it. It slowly involved into music.
Fivel S: It all started with dancing and then we started singing.
FQ: Is there a release date? Has it been released yet?
Fivel S: Probably Easter.
FQ: BooBoo, I wanna ask you a Twilight convention question. Is there anything in particular that you're looking forward to about the conventions?
Booboo S: I've been doing them for a while and they're just really cool. You get to meet all kinds of people and get to do a Q&A and it's just really cool.
FQ: Have either one of you had any really fun fan encounters?
BoobooS: I remember one time this lady, she is probably late 30s, we were taking a picture together and then after the picture she asked if I wanted to make out.
Fivel S: I actually haven't which I'm pretty thankful for. Everyone has been really nice though.
FQ: If you could ask your fans any questions what might they be?
Fivel S: What can we do for you?
FQ: I was reading a little bit about you, if this is correct I see you do interviews yourself with TNA wrestlers, is that correct.
Booboo S: Yes we do. We write articles for TNA, my dad used to wrestle so I've been into it. It's fun to watch.
FQ: Has anything surprised you about any of these wrestlers that you've encountered?
Booboo S: They are really nice people, they come off as mean in the ring but that's just their character.
FQ: Actually that's pretty much the cover of the questions. I appreciate your time and I wish you well.
BS & FS: Thank you.