Bill Condons om sin favorti scen i BD P1 & vaför Irina är på the wedding
Fans are really looking forward to the wedding, the honeymoon, the birth and Bella's transformation scenes. What was your favorite to film and why? Condon: "They're all really fun but I have to say the birth. There was something that happened on those nights, but specifically the first night – there was something electric about it, so intense. Kristen [Stewart] was so powerful. Obviously, it's a very feverish scene with everybody kind of getting into that mode. It happens on a movie set sometimes. Everyone gets very hushed, and after and between the takes everyone's walking around, whispering and not talking - it was one of those. Kristen didn't get up. She was on that gurney and spent hours and hours there. That scene is the one I will remember more than anything."
What is Irina doing at the wedding (as seen in movie photos)? That's noticeably different from the book.
Condon: "In that case, it's just about good movie storytelling. Just imagine if she's not there and then in the second movie, she shows up, sees Renesmee and freaks out. No one will know who she is. People will talk about who she is, as they do in the book. Or you'd be stuck with some clunky flashback. To make something really cinematic, you put it into the present tense. She doesn't want to come, she's convinced to come, she gets there, she sees something that upsets her and she leaves – so that you see, you experience what it is that's bothering her. It's because her problem with the Cullens is the lynchpin for the entire second movie. Part of it why it's there has to do with servicing what's going to happen in the first half hour of the second film."
Kortfattat: Hans favorit scen är alltså förlossningen & Irina var inte med i boken men i filmen för att man ska få veta lite mer om vem hon är.
Bara ca 2 veckor kvar till premiären! 
Kortfattat: Hans favorit scen är alltså förlossningen & Irina var inte med i boken men i filmen för att man ska få veta lite mer om vem hon är.
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