



Sedan skulle jag gärna vilja veta vad ni tycker om "Twilight Outfits",jag menar vad borde bli bättre?
Finns det någon tjejs outfiter ni vill se mera av?
Kommentera bara vad ni tycker!


Ni har nog säkert hört om jordbävningaran i Japan igår. Japan drabbades också av en tsunami och därför evakuerades många delar längs amerikast kust mot stilla havet. På bilden ovan ser ni hur det så ut på La Push Beach igår morse, tydligen drabbas USAs kust mycket av detta också. Filmningen av Breaking Dawn avbröts igår och skådespelarna evakuerades för säkerhetens skull.


Detta hittade jag på FoForks:



Oväder på gång




Judi uppdaterar sin twitter med BD news



Holliday Graniger talar om Rob och "Bel Ami" med In Style UK.
Från InStyle UK - mars 2011

"In Bel Amì, my character marries Robert Pattinson. Robert is lovely. I worked with him pre-Twilight and he's not changed since then.The leads are Uma Thurman, Kristin Scott Thomas and Christina Ricci, so I'd turn up to make-up trailer and be like, "I'm sitting next to Uma"


Catherine vill gärna jobba med Rob & Kristen pånytt!


Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke has been hard at work promoting her new flick, Red Riding Hood, with Amanda Seyfried. But that doesn't mean she's forgotten past stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.

"I'd love to [work with them again], if the right project comes up at the right time, that would be awesome," Cath dished at the RRH premiere Monday. "I think they're wonderful; they're super close to my heart."Know why?

Because she takes credit for getting them together, duh! Although she proceeded with caution at the time. 
"I was exactly right there when they first met, so I saw it all from the beginning," Hardwicke told us years ago about Robsten's romance. "I saw that they both had that wonderful fascination with each other, and that's why I cast Rob."

Would you all like to see a Catherine, Rob, and Kristen reunion on screen? We would! Just last summer there were rumors that Pattinson and Stewart were going to star in Summit's adaptation of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus.

While Kristen told us that was not true, she did say she would want to work with Rob in a non-sparkly vampire project.
"Yeah, we talk about it all the time," beamed K.Stew.





Idag fyller Edi Gathegi 32 år , Grattis !
/Lina & Lollo

"BD nytt"


Tracy Heggins (Senna) i Vancouver


Booboo & Bronson i Vancouver




Billy Burke i Vancouver


Lite om Peter Facinelli och BD

  • Peter sa att om han var yngre skulle han ha älskat att spela Edward.
  • Peter säger att  familje scener är som en enda stor fest. Och han  älskar dessa scener i varje Twilight film.
  • Peter säger att Bill Condon är rolig och mycket trevlig. Mycket kommunikativa och mottaglig för idéer men har icke sett någon färdig produkt.
  • Breaking Dawn manus är Peters favorit manus. Han säger att det följer boken men har varianter som fans kommer att gilla.
  • Om han kunde ändra en sak om Carlisle det skulle vara att ge honom en bättre effekt.
  • Han säger att Chris Weitz är lugn och rogivande att vara med. Liknar honom till Carlisle och säger att Chris även börjat bära halsdukar.
  • Hans favoritbok är Eclipse men Breaking Dawn är hans favorit manus. Han skulle älska om Carlisle hade sin egen berättelse i  boken.
  • Peter säger att det blir svårare hela tiden att balansera mellan sin karriär och sitt familjeliv. Han har flugit hem från Vancouver bara för att äta middag med sin familj och sedan åka tillbaka på ett plan  till inspelningen. Han säger att hans flickor är värda det.

©Översatt av Lina

Twilight på Tv

Nu kommer det Twilight på Tv på nelonen.
kl. 21.00 (finsk tid)

Mackenzie i Vancouver

Just nu är det inte mycket nytt i "Twilight världen" det ända som nya just nju är massa bilder på castet från flygplasten, BD inspelningen ellerfrån Vancouver.
Här har vi då några bilder på Mackenzie Foy när hon var ute på bio tillsammans med sin mamma.
Aww kolla in hon har svarta Converse ♥




Chaske och Alex ute i Vancouver




Tinsels make-up för BD

Denna bild uppdaterade jag om igår och nu vet jag vad det är det sysslar med på bilden.

DEt är för hennes roll som Emily i Breaking Dawn  (Emily har ju förstört sitt ansikte på grund av "Sams attack")

Sedan såg hon ut såhär:


Intervju med Booboo & Fivel Stewart

FQ: Hey how you doing?
Booboo S: Hey how are you?

FQ: I'd like to ask you first what gave you the inspiration to come up with the title, "Change" for the album?

BoobooS: There's a lot of things that contribute to change and everyone can take a different meaning to it, everyone has some things they need to change. Just changes are good you know.

FQ: In terms of that album of all the songs on the album is there any particular one you feel has the most meaning to you?

Booboo S: The title song "Change" probably because that's all about changes you know what I mean. The last song on our album could be our favorite, you just never know.

FQ: Do you have any musical inspirations?

Fivel S: My musical role model is Katy Perry. I love the way she performs and the music is just really really good.

FQ: Was there a mentor or someone who got you started in the music industry?

Booboo S: It's kind of weird how it happened. We got into the industry because our dad, he had an album and we thought it was cool so we wanted to do it. It slowly involved into music.

Fivel S: It all started with dancing and then we started singing.

FQ: Is there a release date? Has it been released yet?

Fivel S: Probably Easter.

FQ: BooBoo, I wanna ask you a Twilight convention question. Is there anything in particular that you're looking forward to about the conventions?

Booboo S: I've been doing them for a while and they're just really cool. You get to meet all kinds of people and get to do a Q&A and it's just really cool.

FQ: Have either one of you had any really fun fan encounters?

BoobooS: I remember one time this lady, she is probably late 30s, we were taking a picture together and then after the picture she asked if I wanted to make out.

Fivel S: I actually haven't which I'm pretty thankful for. Everyone has been really nice though.

FQ: If you could ask your fans any questions what might they be?

Fivel S: What can we do for you?

FQ: I was reading a little bit about you, if this is correct I see you do interviews yourself with TNA wrestlers, is that correct.

Booboo S: Yes we do. We write articles for TNA, my dad used to wrestle so I've been into it. It's fun to watch.

FQ: Has anything surprised you about any of these wrestlers that you've encountered?

Booboo S: They are really nice people, they come off as mean in the ring but that's just their character.

FQ: Actually that's pretty much the cover of the questions. I appreciate your time and I wish you well.
BS & FS: Thank you.

Chris Weitz , nämner Krisren på Twitter

RT @chrisweitz: As I've said, I think Kristen is one of the best actresses of her generation. She can do no wrong in my book.



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