Kristen & Robert i inportant magazine´s 20 most beautiful inside and out!

“I don’t want to look trendy, so I try to find clothes where somebody wouldn’t be able to say, ‘Oh, you’re a cool guy.’”
But there is definitely more to Rob than his looks, he’s very down to earth, polite and charming and treats his fans with the respect they deserve. He knows without them he wouldn’t be where he is now with all their support. That’s why when he heard a group of fans couldn’t get tickets to see him on Oprah he made it a point to visit them personally just to bring them tickets and invite them to the show. Not only that, but while hanging out at local pubs and playing his guitar at open mic’s he is extremely polite and loves taking the time to give fans autographs and a quick picture if he’s not in too much of a hurry.
Although, sometimes timid Robert Pattinson has been surprised to find out he was chosen to be on People Magazine’s 100 most beautiful list and Time’s 100 most influential, he is happy to be noticed and grateful to all of his fans for helping make him so popular. With all of your support he gets to do what he enjoys doing.
Why You Chose Him:
Elizabeth: Robert Pattinson at a very young age of 24 has a certain “je ne sais quoi” which definitively sets him apart from the rest. He is stunningly photogenic and oozing with sensuality and a charisma he has no idea he possesses. With a style that is an emanation from his own being, a posh accent, a sense of the absurd, great musical abilities, and a sweet funny quirky personality, disarming yet unassuming, all of which magnifies his uniqueness. He gives articulate insightful interviews, wise and mature beyond his years. A well-read young man with depth. The fans and paparazzis relentlessly pursue him and as exhausted as he appears by it all, he handles the circus that surrounds him with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm and a persona that draws the young and old. I am looking forward to the entertaining saga of Robert Pattinson.