Robert Pattinson’s Hair Almost Sent to Space?
PopStar recently posted a new article where Duncan Penn talks about a Facebook dare which led guys of MTV’s The Buried Life to steal a piece of Robert Pattinson’s hair and consider sending it to space. Head over HERE to the source for the full article.
Robert Pattinson has gained worldwide media attention for his flawless portrayal of the beloved Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise. Fans were immediately attracted to Pattison’s sophisticated demeanor, his perfectly tousled hair, and his debatable love affair with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse costar Kristen Stewart.
Over the last couple of years, the star has played with different hairstyles which have actually made headline news, especially when he had to shave his head for his part in Water for Elephants (2011). Get ready world, because a story is about to break that will in return require Pattinson to hire bodyguards to protect his hair!
Over on MTV, the guys of The Buried Life accepted a dare via Facebook to steal a lock of Pattinson’s hair. In an exclusive interview with Duncan Penn, he spills the details on the uncomfortable dare and the remains of the hair. Penn admitted that fans had to tune into the show to see what happened but did offer us some insight on where the locks went.
Read more here.

PopStar recently posted a new article where Duncan Penn talks about a Facebook dare which led guys of MTV’s The Buried Life to steal a piece of Robert Pattinson’s hair and consider sending it to space. Head over HERE to the source for the full article.
Robert Pattinson has gained worldwide media attention for his flawless portrayal of the beloved Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise. Fans were immediately attracted to Pattison’s sophisticated demeanor, his perfectly tousled hair, and his debatable love affair with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse costar Kristen Stewart.
Over the last couple of years, the star has played with different hairstyles which have actually made headline news, especially when he had to shave his head for his part in Water for Elephants (2011). Get ready world, because a story is about to break that will in return require Pattinson to hire bodyguards to protect his hair!
Over on MTV, the guys of The Buried Life accepted a dare via Facebook to steal a lock of Pattinson’s hair. In an exclusive interview with Duncan Penn, he spills the details on the uncomfortable dare and the remains of the hair. Penn admitted that fans had to tune into the show to see what happened but did offer us some insight on where the locks went.
På svenska :
Popstar postat nyligen en ny artikel där Duncan Penn talar om en Facebook vågar som ledde killar av MTV: s Buried Life att stjäla en bit av Robert Pattinsons hår och fundera på att skicka det till rymden. Chef hit till källan för hela artikeln.
Robert Pattinson har fått hela världen mediernas uppmärksamhet för sin fulländad skildring av den älskade Edward Cullen i Twilight-serien. Fans var omedelbart attraherade av Pattison sofistikerade väsen, hans perfekt rufsiga hår, och hans diskutabla kärleksaffär med Eclipse CoStar Kristen Stewart.Under de senaste åren, har stjärnan spelat med olika frisyrer som faktiskt har gjort rubriker, särskilt när han var tvungen att raka sitt huvud för sin del i vatten för elefanter (2011). Gör dig redo världen, eftersom en berättelse handlar om att bryta det i återkommer kräva Pattinson att anställa livvakter för att skydda hans hår!
Över på MTV godtog killarna i The Buried Life en våga via Facebook för att stjäla en lock av Pattinsons hår. I en exklusiv intervju med Duncan Penn, spill han detaljerna på obekväma våga och resterna av håret. Penn medgav att fansen hade att ställa in föreställningen för att se vad som hände men erbjöd oss en inblick om var låsen gick.