Info om LA premiären imorgon
Imorgon är det dag för L.A premiären av Breaking Dawn Part 1! Och som vi har väntat och längtat för det!
Lite info:
Premiären börjar vid 8 PM EST, alltså vi 02:00 svensk tid, natten mellan tisdagen och onsdagen. Själv klart live streamas det också:
- MTV - med Josh Horowitz, killen som gjorde MTV First med Rob, Kristen och Taylor!
- Yahoo
Någon som kommer sitta uppe och kolla?
källa/bild: google
Ny vampyrklan i BD Part 2?
*So Melissa Rosenberg has created a new clan and you are the lead person in the Clan?
I recognize, and also recognize Janelle Froelich, so she and I are. And it's going to be amazing. The scene, the fans are going to love it.
Can you tell us where is this Clan?
Yes, vampires are French. Basically, my character Henri was born in France and is one of those who are able to relate as much as someone who is trying to put his life together and succeed in life. And also something great about this is that Stephenie Meyer and Melissa, we got the script, but many of the stories of our past we create ourselves. So it was very fun to be able to do that.
What kind of past history you gave to Henri?
A special power. A very cool special power. with my power I can make a person shake, and they usually go to hit a wall or something far away.
Would you say you spent as much time on set with Janelle?
A shot wise, yes. Adempas the cast spend much time together. I remember when I first walked to the hotel and saw all these people I've seen in movies, and I was quite nervous. But the way in which we adopted with open arms, never felt I was alone there. And adempas have a lot of new vampires, we became a big group and we became a sort of hang out together familia.Todos.
Were you intimidated by someone before you get there? Perhaps the success of Kristen and Rob and Taylor?
The good thing about this cast is that everyone is so open and focused. I was, and still am a big fan of Michael Sheen. And being able to meet someone who really inspires me about the show, was very grateful. But in terms of the cast were all wonderful and focused.*
Skådespelerskan Janelle Froelich som också ska vara i den klanen:
En ny fransk clan?
Allt är från Twifans.
5 dagar kvar...
Nu är det bara 5 dagar kvar tills Sverige premiären av Breaking Dawn part 1!
Ny BD Bild på Bella & Edward!
6 (5) dagar kvar till Breaking Dawn Del 1 för oss här i Sverige!
Bruno Mars video till BD låten 'It Will Rain'
BD Música by thevampireclub
Ny stillbild från the wedding
Bild på Bellward från Breaking Dawn Part 1
Tre nya bilder från BD P1!
'Somthing old, Somthing blue' -2 nya klipp från BD!
Iaf så heter klippet 'Somthing Old, Somthing Blue':
Something Old, Something Blue by Kalita_Cullen
Och ett till som också är innan bröllopet, med Alice, Rosalie & Bella:
Ännu 6 nya stills från BD!
Ännu en ny BD still!
Några från The Cast pratar Breaking Dawn P1
Två nya stills från BD!
10 sek från det nya klippet på MTV
De släpps alltså inatt & här är en liten förhandstitt:
10 minuters klipp från BD inspelningen!
Nu har det kommit ut två långa videos med scener från Breaking Dawn part 1! Det är inte långt tid kvar nu!
I den andra videon tipsar TwilightSweden om Jessicas kommentar vid 1:49 - väldigt rolig!
källa1 - källa2 - via
Nya BTS bilder från Breaking Dawn
MTV: Ny still f. Breaking Dawn Part 1!
MTV har släppt en ny still-bild från ett nytt klipp som de kommer att visa i morgon -eller alltså fredag morgon vid 2, svensk tid:
"Tomorrow's the big day! In just over 24 hours, we'll be sitting down with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner for our MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1, and as you probably know, a portion of our festivities will be dedicated to debuting a never-before-seen clip from the saga's fourth installment. And because you've been such patient pals waiting for this exclusive scene, we're giving you a quick peek! (Shhhhh! Don't tell our bosses...)
This still is straight from the brand new footage, and as you can likely surmise, captures the moments right before Bella and Edward's long-awaited nuptials. Alice (Ashley Greene) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) are visions in purple as they help Bella (Kristen) get ready to walk down the aisle to her vampire groom. But the question remains: Just who are they looking at? I guess you'll have to tune in to find out!
And you better believe this isn't the last tease you'll get before the clip debuts during our MTV First. Check in with MTV Movies tomorrow morning at 7 ET for an entire 10-second snippet of the scene. That's major.
Be sure to tune in to "MTV First: Breaking Dawn - Part 1," which kicks off Thursday, November 3, on!"
New TV SPOT for Breaking Dawn P1: 'Heartbeat'
Några Breaking Dawn gifs
Intervju med Bill Condon
Just nu kommer det många intervjuer med regissören till Breaking Dawn part 1 och 2 Bill Condon. Dock är dessa inte videointervjuer, så (jag tycker) det kan bli ganska jobbigt att läsa allt. Men oftast är de väldigt bra!
Fandango: How excited are you for fans to see the wedding scene? It must've taken high-security to keep the wedding dress from getting leaked.
källa - via