Kristen i Julia
Kristen är Gudmor
Kristen på Regis & Kellys Show
Kristen hos Regis & Kelly.
Kommer nog inte att kunna göra några fler inlägg idag. Min lillasyrra fyller snart år, så min släkt kommer. xD
// becka
Jodie Foster Talks Kristen Stewart, “I’m not surprised she’s gone on to to do great things”
Even though Kristen Stewart played her daughter in the Panic Room, Jodie Foster never really expected the Twilight star to stay in the business.
It’s not that Foster didn’t think Stewart was talented or professional, but…
“She’s a great person, and I’m not surprised she’s gone on to to do great things,” Foster told me last night at Elle magazine’s Women in Hollywood awards show at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. “But I am surprised she is an actress.”
“I didn’t think that’s where she was headed,” Foster explained. “And even though her mom said, ‘No, she really really wants to be an actress,’ I felt like, Nah, she won’t because she really doesn’t have the stereotypical personality.”
Meaning Stewart was not all about trying to become famous? “Who does?” Foster said. “Anybody who has a brain doesn’t. That tells you how smart Kristen Stewart is.“
På svenska
Även om Kristen Stewart spelade dottern i Panic Room, förväntade sig Jodie Foster aldrig att Twilightstjärnan skulle stanna i branschen.
Det är inte det att Foster inte tyckte att Stewart var begåvad eller professionell, men...
"Hon är en underbar person, och jag är inte förvånad att hon gått vidare till att göra stora saker," berättade Foster för mig igårkväll på tidningen Elle Women in Hollywood Awards Show på Four Seasons i Beverly Hills. "Men jag är förvånad att hon är en skådespelerska."
"Jag trodde inte att det var dit hon var påväg" förklarade Foster. "Och även om hennes mamma sa 'Nej, hon vill verkligen verkligen vill bli en skådespelerska' Kände jag att, Nä, hon kommer inte bli det för hon har egentligen inte den stereotypa personligheten."
Det betyder att Stewart inte försökte bli berömd? "Vem gör det egentligen?"sa Foster. "De som har en hjärna gör inte så. Det talar ju bara om hur smart Kristen Stewart är."
Kristen berättar för PEOPLE "Jag känner mig mer som mig själv i mörkt hår"
Bilder på Kristen då hon lämnar wttrs efterfest
Bilder på Kristen då hon lämnar wttrs pressvisning i New York
18 oktober!
Kristen på WTTRs pressvisning ,efterfest
WTTRs pressvisning i New York
Kristen är nominerad till People's choice
Kristen är nominerad i många kategorier till årets People's choice awards.
Rösta på Kristen i dessa kategorier:
Favorite Movie Actress
Favorite Movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Favorite Drama Movie: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Favorite On Screen Team: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner)
Favorite Movie Star Under 25 presented by Moviefone
Du kan rösta varje dag!
Kristen _ Scans from 'Whomag'
Bilder på Kristen då hon lämnade Scream Awards
Kristens miner
Kristens vinsetr på Scream Aards 2010
Best Fantasy: Eclipse
Kristen i Louisiana
Scene Magazine har bekräftat att Kristen Stewart, stjärnan i The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, has anlänt till Louisiana för att börja med grundfilmningen.
Jenn Proske vill träffa Kristen
Mer om att imitera Kristen för rollen i Vampires Suck på digitalspy!"
Jenn Proske om att imitera Kristen
Tip 1: Enjoy the experience. And watch New Moon a lot!
"Bella is such an iconic character right now and the movies are such a phenomenon, I love kind of delving in. The challenge of doing such a big character mixed with comedy and all the adventures that happened doing vampire stuff, the stunts and gags and everything that I got to do was just so much fun. She's a great character to play and I obviously got to watch New Moon, which I loved a bunch - it was a great time."
Tip 2: Get the hair-touching and lip-biting mannerisms down.
"Becca Crane my character had to be someone new and fresh as well. So it was a good combination of a little bit of me, a little bit of what I can bring to the comedy, and then adding Kristen's mannerisms and vocal patterns from her work in Twilight."
Tip 3: Love your subject matter.
"I would love to meet Kristen one day, that would be a huge treat... I would say [to her that] I'm a huge fan and loved her little part in the phenomenon. I'm honoured to have watched her work so much and I'd say that I wasn't bashing her at all."
Tip 4: Ignore the bad reviews.
"It not for the critics, that's not our audience. I went into the process knowing that this was a movie for the fans and for the Twilight lovers and haters who want to sit down and have a good laugh. I don't think it's an Academy Award-winning movie."
Tip 5: Deliberate over Team Edward vs. Team Jacob.
"You know I've got to say that I loved the vampire make up, I love their porcelain skin. If I could have vampire looks and sexiness and darkness and a werewolf ass I would be a happy person."
Tip 6: Get used to break-up angst.
"I loved shooting the break-up scene between Edward and Becca. I think that it's such a classic scene from New Moon and you know everything that could possibly go wrong to Becca in that scene happens."