
Ny/gammal bild på Robert från Remember me premiären i NY

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Robert den 5 oktober


Water for Elephants talks about "working with Robert"

WFE extra, Tommy Lukasewicz, played a core roustabout in the film and recently shared his experience with Water For Elephants Film.
:The young man we all know from the Twilight series, Robert Pattinson was spot on during every single emotion that was captured on camera. He is a truly talented individual and an all around nice guy.


Kristen & Robert i inportant magazine´s 20 most beautiful inside and out!

#6 Robert Pattinson

“I don’t want to look trendy, so I try to find clothes where somebody wouldn’t be able to say, ‘Oh, you’re a cool guy.’
Robert Pattinson, known for his role as Edward Cullen; is more than just an attractive vampire, yes I admit I was one of those girls who fell for Robert’s grungy chic style and was totally on the Edward Cullen band wagon for awhile myself. He has been labelled as a heart-throb for young teen girls with sex appeal for the older women since filming the Twilight series; status symbols he doesn’t quite get. Robert Pattinson’s messy hairstyle paired with his grunge fashion makes him that much more attractive to the ladies then just his scruffy facial hair alone. Besides his hair and masculine jaw line a couple of things that also caught a lot of fans eyes were his beautiful bluish-grey eyes and his height; us girls tend to like the taller boys after all.

But there is definitely more to Rob than his looks, he’s very down to earth, polite and charming and treats his fans with the respect they deserve. He knows without them he wouldn’t be where he is now with all their support. That’s why when he heard a group of fans couldn’t get tickets to see him on Oprah he made it a point to visit them personally just to bring them tickets and invite them to the show. Not only that, but while hanging out at local pubs and playing his guitar at open mic’s he is extremely polite and loves taking the time to give fans autographs and a quick picture if he’s not in too much of a hurry.

Although, sometimes timid Robert Pattinson has been surprised to find out he was chosen to be on People Magazine’s 100 most beautiful list and Time’s 100 most influential, he is happy to be noticed and grateful to all of his fans for helping make him so popular. With all of your support he gets to do what he enjoys doing.


Why You Chose Him:
Elizabeth: Robert Pattinson at a very young age of 24 has a certain “je ne sais quoi” which definitively sets him apart from the rest. He is stunningly photogenic and oozing with sensuality and a charisma he has no idea he possesses. With a style that is an emanation from his own being, a posh accent, a sense of the absurd, great musical abilities, and a sweet funny quirky personality, disarming yet unassuming, all of which magnifies his uniqueness. He gives articulate insightful interviews, wise and mature beyond his years. A well-read young man with depth. The fans and paparazzis relentlessly pursue him and as exhausted as he appears by it all, he handles the circus that surrounds him with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm and a persona that draws the young and old. I am looking forward to the entertaining saga of Robert Pattinson.


Robert bäst klädd i England.

För en tid sedan fanns det en omröstning för Glamour om Englands bäst klädda man!

Och först på listan kom ingen mindre en Robert Pattinson jag håller nog med om att han stil är snygg!




*Nya/gamla* fan bilder på Robert


Robert _ Stewart Shinning Photoshoot with Effects (HQ)

Snygga bilder vah?

Robert är Elak

Många tror säkert att Robert Pattinson redan har hittat sitt drömjobb. Men för Now Magazine avslöjar den 24-åriga skådespelaren att han även har andra planer med sin karriär.

Hunken önskar nämligen att han en vacker dag fick möjlighet att medverka som domare i programmet ”X Factor”.

— Det skulle vara en av de bästa sakerna någonsin att få betalt för att dela ut förolämpningar iSimon Cowell-stil, säger han.

Simon, som suttit i juryn för både ”Idol” och ovan nämnda ”X factor”, är som bekant känd för att krossa drömmar på löpande band med sina spydiga kommentarer. Men Robert håller inte med dem som kritiserar Simon för att vara för hård i sina bedömningar.

— Jag tycker inte att han är oförskämd, jag tycker bara att han är plågsamt ärlig, vilket är det som gör honom så bra. Han måste verkligen älska sitt jobb, det kan inte vara ett jobb man någonsin tröttnar på.

Sång texten till sången som är tillägd Robert Pattinson

I never needed you in twilight
So file that stupid chasteness
And deliver what makes me shiver
Deliver what makes me shiver
Give floundering rapture’n'brutish desire 

I know that you’re tired of biting
So let me take over, honey
I’m starving to eagerly snack on
I’m starving to eagerly snack on
That something that’s revelling and seething below 

Robert Pattinson,
Robert Pattinson,
Robert Pattinson,
don’t be afraid

Wanna tipple your spittle’n'fiddle’n'nibble’n'dribble
Just a little
So if you, boy, ever desired a bit of disgrace
Allow me to deflower you
Allow me to deflower you 

Free me
From this persisting lack
Carry out the utopia
That I’m addicted to 

Move me
Groove me
Inhale me
Willing, obsessively 

I know you know how to shake that thing, baby 

Let this noshing make us go insane
While my fingers dishevel your famous hair
Give me your wet-red-heated lips
And it goes down so well 

Robert Pattinson,
Robert Pattinson,
Robert Pattinson,
Your voice on my skin
Your songs are tattoos
Branded on my soul

PS . det finns en sång som är tillägd Kristen om ni undrar .

Robert sång

Sången är till Robert Pattinson men det är Mongomery Shrapp =)

Robert Pattinson’s Hair Almost Sent to Space?

PopStar recently posted a new article where Duncan Penn talks about a Facebook dare which led guys of MTV’s The Buried Life to steal a piece of Robert Pattinson’s hair and consider sending it to space. Head over HERE to the source for the full article.
Robert Pattinson has gained worldwide media attention for his flawless portrayal of the beloved Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise. Fans were immediately attracted to Pattison’s sophisticated demeanor, his perfectly tousled hair, and his debatable love affair with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse costar Kristen Stewart.
Over the last couple of years, the star has played with different hairstyles which have actually made headline news, especially when he had to shave his head for his part in Water for Elephants (2011). Get ready world, because a story is about to break that will in return require Pattinson to hire bodyguards to protect his hair!
Over on MTV, the guys of The Buried Life accepted a dare via Facebook to steal a lock of Pattinson’s hair. In an exclusive interview with Duncan Penn, he spills the details on the uncomfortable dare and the remains of the hair. Penn admitted that fans had to tune into the show to see what happened but did offer us some insight on where the locks went.
Read more here.
PopStar recently posted a new article where Duncan Penn talks about a Facebook dare which led guys of MTV’s The Buried Life to steal a piece of Robert Pattinson’s hair and consider sending it to space. Head over HERE to the source for the full article.
Robert Pattinson has gained worldwide media attention for his flawless portrayal of the beloved Edward Cullen in the Twilight franchise. Fans were immediately attracted to Pattison’s sophisticated demeanor, his perfectly tousled hair, and his debatable love affair with The Twilight Saga: Eclipse costar Kristen Stewart.
Over the last couple of years, the star has played with different hairstyles which have actually made headline news, especially when he had to shave his head for his part in Water for Elephants (2011). Get ready world, because a story is about to break that will in return require Pattinson to hire bodyguards to protect his hair!
Over on MTV, the guys of The Buried Life accepted a dare via Facebook to steal a lock of Pattinson’s hair. In an exclusive interview with Duncan Penn, he spills the details on the uncomfortable dare and the remains of the hair. Penn admitted that fans had to tune into the show to see what happened but did offer us some insight on where the locks went.
På svenska :
Popstar postat nyligen en ny artikel där Duncan Penn talar om en Facebook vågar som ledde killar av MTV: s Buried Life att stjäla en bit av Robert Pattinsons hår och fundera på att skicka det till rymden. Chef hit till källan för hela artikeln.
Robert Pattinson har fått hela världen mediernas uppmärksamhet för sin fulländad skildring av den älskade Edward Cullen i Twilight-serien. Fans var omedelbart attraherade av Pattison sofistikerade väsen, hans perfekt rufsiga hår, och hans diskutabla kärleksaffär med Eclipse CoStar Kristen Stewart.
Under de senaste åren, har stjärnan spelat med olika frisyrer som faktiskt har gjort rubriker, särskilt när han var tvungen att raka sitt huvud för sin del i vatten för elefanter (2011). Gör dig redo världen, eftersom en berättelse handlar om att bryta det i återkommer kräva Pattinson att anställa livvakter för att skydda hans hår!
Över på MTV godtog killarna i The Buried Life en våga via Facebook för att stjäla en lock av Pattinsons hår. I en exklusiv intervju med Duncan Penn, spill han detaljerna på obekväma våga och resterna av håret. Penn medgav att fansen hade att ställa in föreställningen för att se vad som hände men erbjöd oss en inblick om var låsen gick.


HQ Vouge bilder








Robert Pattinson praised by his Co-Star


Everyone who has ever worked with Robert Pattinson – from Ashley Greene to Pierce Brosnan to Christina Ricci – has been falling over themselves to heap praise on the down-to-earth star.

“As a person, he’s not like anyone I’ve ever met in Hollywood, and as an actor he’s a complete natural. He has no ego. Everyone loves him, but he’s una ffected by that and never seems fazed by the attention that comes his way.” – Ashley Greene (Twilight Saga)

“And working with Rob was amazing. He’s such a great guy, so talented.” – Christina Ricci (Bel Ami)

He’s is a super nice guy. I’m really happy for him that he’s gone on to be so uber successful.”- Emma Watson (Harry Potter)

“Rob Pattinson is a sex symbol. Rob Pattinson is a genuine sexy guy.” – Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter)

“[Robert is a] shy guy…humble. I don’t think anything can get to him really.He’s so talented. I’ve never met someone who can just do anything and everything!” – Kellan Lutz (Twilight Saga)

“I think he wants to be a serious actor, and he is a lovely guy. So realizing what he has to deal with, all the demands of the Twilight popularity and the distractions, I think he’s handling it amazingly well.” – Chris Cooper (Remember Me)

“He’s a really great actor and a really good guy.” – Hugh Jackman (Unbound Captives)

“I think he’s bold and different” – Kristen Stewart (Twilight Saga)



/Lina(haha kuul att så många gillar Rob)

Fan berättar om hur det var att träffa Rob

That's me in the second pic, I just got DAZZLED!!! OMG I chatted with Rob for quite a while, he gave us an autograph and we stood directly behind him like (1 foot away) for most of the evening. He was with TomStu and Marcus Foster, no Kristen. Told him it was lovely to see him back in the UK and asked him about Bel Ami and lots of other stuff. Picked up something that fell out of his pocket and gave it to him. What a night!!!


Fan bilder med Rob i London

Härligt va ...?♥ Jag är inte så förtjust i skägget men.. !


Robert i London

Enligt ett fan på Twitter flög Robert och Kristen till London på onsdag, vet ej om detta är 100% sant att Kristen kom med , men Rob åkte iallafall till London för det finns fans som fick ta bilder med honom.
Hoppas bara att Kristen var med ;)

Robert Pattinsons familj

Roberts far heter Richard och mor Claire. Robert har också tre äldre syskon , Victoria,Lizzy och Magdalena.

Bild på Robs föräldrar

Bild på systern Lizzy
Rob och två av hans systrar som små.
/Tyvärr finns det inte tydliga bilder på Robs två andra syskon Victoria och Magdalena.

Rösta på Robert

Nu kan du  rösta fram Rob som Glamour Magazine's Best Dressed Man in Britain!
Klicka HÄR!

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