Ashley Greenes smyckesskrin

Dreck från åkte hem till Ashley Greene och fixade smyckeshållare och skrin till hennes smycken för att kunna hålla dem i ordning.Dreck tipsar också om hur man kan köra egna smyckeshållare och hur man kan hålla reda på alla sina smycken

Be it a costume piece or a great vintage find, storing jewelry can be as difficult as putting together a 1000-piece puzzle, especially when you have the amount of Twilight star, Ashley Greene.

When I first met Ashley she had a vast collection of rings, bracelets and some items I wasn’t sure how you would wear them!  They were all fabulous and all needed special attention.  I knew I would have to find a solution that would allow her to easily see what she had, didn’t take up a lot of space and was easy to transport to those long film shoots wherever.

Solution 1: Stackable Jewelry Trays – Bed Bath & Beyond

These pink upholstered and slightly shimmering trays are a perfect solution for the girl or guy who needs to see everything at one time.  You can customize the combination of trays you choose, so if you have more rings you can buy extra ring trays.  They stack securely and have a clean, finished look.  When Ashley needs to coordinate her jewelry with her wardrobe, she can simply unstack all the trays and lay them out with out unloading any of the items.

Ashley Greene's jewelry organizer


Solution 2: Twig Ring Holder – ANTHROPOLOGIE – Everyday twig.  (see above)

We all have items we wear more than others.  This jewelry twig serves as both art and a place for you to store items you wear more often.  I’ve seen several different versions of this product to suit your tastes.

Solution 3: Drawer liners – Recycled shoe bags!

For bigger items that don’t fit inside a container, we converted a built-in drawer into a showcase.  We simply lined the drawer with extra soft shoe bags.

Solution 4: Acrylic Necklace Holders – The Container Store

For longer items that can easily get twisted in a jewelry box or in a drawer, we purchased these acrylic holders.  Simply screw into the wall.  They make for a great display of your more delicate longer necklaces. We chose to hang them in an area that’s inconspicuous like in a closet. Ashley is a great client to organize for because she has so many cool things to organize! When I asked Ashley how she liked her jewelry storage makeover she said, “Derrick you did a great job — you’re quick, professional and my house looks amazing.”

Whether you have a small or large jewelry collection, you can use these easy storage solutions to keep track of all your treasures.  I Dare You To Be Domestic!

källa 2
/Lina/Snyggt  smyckesskrin hon har, I ♥ IT

Ashley svarar på frågor


Ashley har svarat på fansens frågor via sin twitter, där fick hon en fråga om vilken som är hennes favorit scen i Breaking Dawn, här är hennes svar:


Ashley lämnar Trousdale Nightclub

Igår (22 mars)
Ni kan se fler bilder här!

Ashley at LAX




Hemligheten bakom Ashley perfekta hy

Ashley Greene: The Secret Behind Her Perfect Skin!

Ashley Greene
Why does Ashley Greene’s skin look so flawless? It’s all about hydration for the mark spokesgirl! That, and well-placed concealer. “I prepped Ashley’s skin by applying a calming moisturizer all over her face for a clean canvas,” the actress’s makeup artist, Mai Quynhtold us about the look she gave Greene for an appearance on SiriusXM Radio in New York City. “Next, I used a light/medium concealer under her eyes and around her nose.” Quynh paired Greene’s fresh-faced look with slightly smoky eyes, for a dose of drama. “I applied taupe eyeshadow to Ashley’s inner eyelid, and then I mixed gray and plum shades and applied them to her outer lid,” the makeup artist told InStyle. “To make Ashley’s eyes pop, I used felt tip eyeliner along her upper lash line, and added two coats of mascara.” To keep things sweet, Quynh dabbed Greene’s cheeks with rosy blush and swiped her pout with shimmery pink lipstick
/Lina/Hoppas ni förstår texten fast jag inte har översatt den ;)

Ny bild på Theo

Ashley twittrade denna underbara bild på hennes söta hund TheoPhotobucket




Ashley på Spiderman musikal





Ashley med sina föräldrar i New York

Ashley med sina föräldrar Joe och Michele Greene, det år middag på en italiensk restaurang (Gemma) som är på Bowery Hotel på Manhattan i New York.


Ashley i New York

Ashley sågs i New York och shoppa tillsammans med sin far:




Ashley & Jared Followill

Igår sågs Ashley Greene ute i New York tillsammans med sin far och Jared  Followill

(basisten från Kings Of Leon) i New York.

Adding to the speculation that she’s already moved on in the romance department, Ashley Greene was spotted alongside Jared Followill in New York City on Thursday (March 17).

Fresh off of announcing her split from Joe Jonas, the “Twilight” actress joined her dad and the Kings of Leon bassist in visiting a local bar for some together time.

And while it appears that they may indeed be a new item, insiders dismiss that the new romance was the cause of Ashley’s split from Joe.

A source told E!, “Ashley didn’t leave Joe for [Jared]. They just both agreed it was time to focus on themselves.”

As for Greene’s parting from Jonas, the E! insider said, “They were apart a lot working. It was never that.

Klicka för stor bild Klicka för stor bild



Ashley med sin far i NY



Är det bara jag eller ser det ut som om Ashley har blivit betydligt smalare? :o



Slut mellan Joe & Ashley


Det går flera rykten om att Ashley och Joe har gjort slut, man vet dock inte till 100% om detta är sant.Fler saker tyder nog tyvärr på att det skulle vara sant, vad tror du?



Via:AashleyGreene &

Nya outtakes på Asher

2 nya bilder på Ashley från den franska tidningen RevuePhotobucket



Ny bild

Ashley har twittrat en liten förhandsvisning från sin fotografering för Mark.



Ashley twittrar en bild på henne och ett fan


Ashley på SiriusXM radio idag morse





Ashley i Roxbury i Vancouver




Ashley shoppar i LA


Snygga kläder som alltdi ;)



Fler bilder på Ash då hon besöker gymmet




Ashley på väg till gymmet

I går (10 Mars) sågs Ashley när hon var på väg till gymmet:


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